“Shareen, you are enough. You could do nothing more for God or me to love you more. You are enough.”
These were the beautiful words uttered by my husband on a horrible day. I am in a new season of my life, which is always a difficult transition, and was feeling completely inadequate in EVERY part of my life despite trying my best to navigate it with grit, grace, and gumption. Thankfully, my husband is wonderful, and this mic drop statement by him came at a time when I needed it most.
With tears in my eyes, I nodded and just sat for a little bit in this life-giving declaration my husband spoke over me. I, Shareen Crawford, am enough. I am enough because I have Jesus. I don't have to earn His love, my children’s love, or my husband's love. I am simply loved for being His. I am chosen and seen by my Heavenly Father. I am chosen and seen by my loving Husband and my children. I may be in a challenging and difficult new season, but with Christ, I am made whole.
Sweet Sis, if you feel like me and you're going through a challenging season in your life, I encourage you to change your proximity to the one who can make you complete. He doesn’t mind that you’ve ugly cried to the point your mascara is running down your cheeks, have made mistakes, or you are possibly mad at Him. He sees you, hears your cries, and is pursuing you wholly.
I am here to echo the same sentiment my husband expressed to me. You are enough in Jesus. You could do nothing more for God to love you more. You are the one He chooses, and He is the one who sees all your mess and steps in to mend you with His love and grace. You ARE enough in Jesus!!