SIP is an acronym for sit in proximity. I more affectionately refer to it as SIP.
It’s a place where we can sit in proximity to God and with others. Where we can build an authentic relationship with God and with those we do life with.
At times, relationships can be messy, complicated, and hard. But life can be both painful and beautiful.
Here is where we can learn how to SIP with each other with intentionality; listen to one another, and extend love to each other within our vulnerability.
All while sitting near to the Father.

My name is Shareen Crawford and I’m so glad you stopped by. I am married to my high school sweetheart and have two beautiful children. I am a working professional who has led large teams in Operations and Human Resources. I also sit on the Board of Elders at a church I’ve attended for 23 years. My biggest passion is for people to change their proximity to get closer to God and each other. I am here to teach and communicate practical principles to women who want to serve diversity within their community, grow in their relationship with Christ and build the Kingdom of God.
Thank you for sitting in proximity to me!
"The simple disciplines of obedience, trust and communion can create an intimacy that goes beyond feelings"
Shareen Crawford